660 x Sanguine Hibiscus to get straight to Exalted!.144 x Bog Lord Tendril to get to Friendly and then:.If you have some spare gold then you could try looking for Unidentified Plant Parts, Bog Lord Tendril, and Sanguine Hibiscus on the Auction House they are all fairly cheap and will give you a huge boost to Sporeggar rep especially. Skinning then 5 x 35 Nethermine Flayer Hide.Herbalism then 5 x 40 Netherdust Pollen.If you have a Gathering skill you can also speed up the Dailies by buying the following: And the excellent Mountain o' Mounts and Littlest Pet Shop Guidesįor Netherwing you will need the following for a couple of quests:.Sh'tari Skyguard and Nether Ray in a Day.Netherwing and Flying on Wings of Nether.Read the following Guides and Entries on wowhead (don't forget to check the comments): with Herbalism and Mining of at least lvl350.Mage for Teleport: Shattrath and ranged DPS.The absolute best toon you could choose would be a Human for Diplomacy.If you have not done this previously I would choose The Scryers as they aren't as far to travel to. You will need to have completed City of Light from Khadgar and chosen either the The Aldor or The Scryers for Kill Them All! and The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid with Netherwing.Having Herbalism will also get another 250 rep per day as well as help with Sporeggar and Cenarion Expedition Having Mining or Skinning will help get another 250 Netherwing rep per day.This is an Alliance based guide although the The Mag'har are almost identical to the Kurenai to grind.You are going to collect thousands of Netherweave Cloth so befriend a Tailor!.If you have not already reached Exalted with your home Factions you can equip a tabard in Outland Dungeons and gain some more rep while also getting the local rep you need.Having a Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth or Jeeves is very useful! Empty your bags you won't need to buff, bandage, eat or drink at all and you are going to be collecting a heap of trash.You will need Fishing of at least 300 if you are aiming for Mr.As mounts will be BoA you would want to pick your toon with the highest rep already Check your Outland rep it's almost impossible to level to 90 without getting Cenarion Expedition rep.This guide assumes you are lvl90+ and have a lvl300 flying mount it can be done much earlier if you are keen (but is so much faster at 90).In the Rewards section, if you see this icon after a mount/pet name you can click it to see the 3D Model in all its glory!

Note that throughout this Guide, NPCs will show a map if you hover over the link.
Some of the language now seems archaic, but I have tried to update any changes that have happened in the past five years and three expansions: Any lvl110 player will cruise through this guide solo. This guide was originally written in the long-long ago, before Account Wide and the massive power creep over old content we now have.
You can read more about how to use this feature here! If you’re looking to track your collections, Wowhead now has the Battle Pet Collection Tracker and Mount Collection Tracker! To use the tracker, simply import your character to view your collections. I wrote this up to try and entice players to hearth in Shatt for a bit and get a quarter way through Mountain o' Mounts it is doable within a week with a little dedication and a fair bit of luck! At lvl90 with some ok gear you can fly through all the reputation grinds as well as solo the Dungeons needed to farm without any real worries. Not only did you miss some pretty cool content but also the chance to nab 26 mounts and 42 pets. If you started WOW after or even then you probably flew through Outland as quickly as possible while leveling.
You may also be interested in reading my other guides:įorever in the Broken Isles (Coming Patch 9.3) This was the 1st guide in a planned set aimed at players who came in after content and are now trying to fill out their collections expansion by expansion.